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Moodboard with creative and colorful elements to visualize visions and dreams, aligned with conscious interior design: Creative. Authentic. Personal.

Moodboard with creative and colorful elements to visualize visions and dreams, aligned with conscious interior design: Creative. Authentic. Personal.

Vision Quest – Spaces that make your vision visible.

Designing spaces that provide support, clarity, and inspiration.

Perfect for a new beginning, a change of direction, or a vision seeking its place in the world. Whether it's a life transition, conscious change, or the desire for a space that strengthens you: with my IVM Method®, I combine your inner images with sustainable and inspiring space design. Together, we will create your personal place of strength.

Start your Vision Quest now. Schedule your personal info session.

What is a Vision Quest?

A process that transforms your spaces into tangible visions.

The goal of my Vision Quest is to connect you with the fire in your heart. Using my IVM Method®, I guide you on a three-week journey to the sources that nourish your true self. Together, we first create your inner living space – clear, inspiring, and sustainable – and then reflect it in your living and working environment.

There is strength in emptiness! Creating space for your vision.

Before something new can emerge, there must be a place within us that is free, clear, and focused on our thoughts. This place of emptiness is not an absence but a space full of possibilities. Together, we will remove old mental obstacles, clear away burdens, and create room for the fire within you. With a clearly defined vision, this inner fire will attract the elements that strengthen and inspire you.

These essences are translated into colors, materials, and forms that reflect your values and goals. This creates a living space that empowers your inner fire and supports you on your next chapter.

It was a fascinating process in which a strong connection between my values, inner desires, and visions was formed through the space design.                                                  Brigitte Ferdigg Clara - Studio Textilmente  





How does the IVM Method® work?

From vision to space: Designing from the inside out.

With my specifically developed IVM Method®, I offer you a clear and structured process that combines emotional depth with sustainable space design. This approach is based on the triad of perception:


​The Triad of Perception
Think clearly. Feel deeply. Act powerfully.​​​

Together, we create spaces step by step that bring your desires to life. We start with your inner vision and translate your values, mission, and aspirations into a tangible design for your living space.

The 3 Modules of the IVM Method®:

  • Module 1: Think clearly. Together, we delve into your inner images and bring your values, dreams, and goals to the surface. This clarity becomes your guide, laying the foundation for sustainable and inspiring space design.

  • Module 2: Feel deeply. We go beyond the mind and connect with your emotions and inner images. Through targeted processes, your vision becomes emotionally rooted, tangible, and alive.

  • Module 3: Act powerfully. With the IVM Method®, we translate your vision into a tangible moodboard. Together, we select colors, materials, and symbolic details that express your deep needs, talents, goals, and values. This moodboard becomes your compass for conscious and inspiring space design. With this tool created from within, you can realize your sacred space independently, with the help of a designer, or together with me.

The IVM Method® guides you step by step from your inner vision to a space that provides clarity, support, and inspiration.

Start your Vision Quest now. Schedule your personal info session.

Who is the Vision Quest for?

Spaces that support specific life phases and visions.

  • People in transitions: Spaces that support your new beginning – whether after a move, separation, or professional change. I design living spaces that offer support, orientation, and clarity in your new phase of life.

  • People who want to live more consciously: Design spaces that make your vision visible and tangible. Together, we create a home that reflects your values and goals – whether for a single room or an entire living unit.

  • Spaces to pursue your calling: Inspiring home offices, studios, or representative entrances that motivate you in your work. Together, we create spaces that make your professional vision visible.

  • Spiritual practitioners: Your sacred space for yoga, meditation, or retreat. Together, we create a place that reflects your essence, where energy flows freely and supports you on your spiritual path.

  • A fulfilling life: Spaces that strengthen your relationships, vitality, creativity, spirituality, or prosperity. I help you design spaces that support your core pillars of life and create a balanced, fulfilled existence.

What makes these spaces special?

A space that inspires and strengthens you.

Every space tells a story – your story. With the IVM Method®, we design living spaces that reflect your inner images and give you new strength every day.

Features of your spaces:

  • Harmony: A balance of aesthetics and functionality.

  • Minimalism: Focus on the essentials.

  • Authenticity: A space that makes your values and dreams tangible.

  • Inspiration: That motivates you daily.

Your Result!

A space that offers clarity and inspiration.

The result is more than just a space – it is a place that strengthens you, supports you, and connects you to your vision every day.

Start implementing your vision now. Book your free initial consultation.

Are you ready to create space for your vision?

Whether for your private, professional, or spiritual life – let’s create living spaces together that provide clarity and inspiration.

Start your Vision Quest now.

Think, feel, act: "Visualisation of the IVM® process for conscious interior design and furnishing that realises your visions.

think clearly

feel deeply

act powerful

IVM Method: The Leitstern approach of the IVM® method to connect personal visions with spatial concepts.
Kingdom: Depicted here are the core aspects of every individual.
Living close to nature: "An example of visionary and nature-orientated architecture that promotes sustainable and conscious living



Here’s how conscious interior design can enrich your life:

The IVM Method® helped me clearly define my values and visions, integrating them into my spaces. Every aspect of the design reflects my personality and supports me daily.

Karoline H.
Massage Therapist, Yoga Teacher



Balance and harmony: "A Zen garden as a symbol of the balance between energy and calm, visualised through the vision quest.



"Dear Horst!
Thank you for your wonderful work. With empathy, intuition, and great patience, you guided me through my process. I am deeply grateful for the new perspective on my current life situation."

Arne Lin - Dance Therapist, Shamanic Practitioner



Worker with Ladder
3 Dimensionen: Denken-Fühlen-Handeln
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