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Some tips on what it is, two variants and how Erdman uses it in interior design, interior planning and project management.

The Moodboard is without a doubt the most used tool for professional interior design.

A Moodboard is a collage of images, style, moods and much more that tries to present the planned interior as a holistic sensual perception. The resulting presentation tool serves as a template for the choice of colours, shapes and materials.


As an Erdman and as an interior designer, I have always been fascinated by the process of perception: we react to the external environment through feeling, thinking and acting. We collect information, interpret it and make targeted decisions based on it. And how do we collect information? About our senses. In interior design we speak of  12 senses. My goal is to appeal to each of these senses when designing. If you want to know more about it, you will find a brief overview below.

Based on this, I developed a special variant of the mood board. This time with the aim of using spaces specifically to concretize our goals in life, wishes and dreams. Because we already feel them in space, we influence our thoughts and actions. Everything in the room reminds us of the goal and gives us support in realizing it.

Wie entsteht dein persönlicher
Heiliger Raum?

One variant is the Intouch Vision Moodboard, which I developed as Erdman.


An Intouch Vision Moodoard is a collage of visualized dreams and visions. The aim is to take concrete steps to fulfill wishes.

Moodboard als Vision

Entdecke Deine Wertewelt: Zusammen erkunden wir, was Dir im Kern wichtig ist und bringen Licht in die Bedeutung Deiner persönlichen Werte.

Deine Energiequellen: Finde heraus, womit Du Deine Batterien wieder auflädst und wie Du Deine Energie bewusst im Alltag einsetzt.

Dein Talentpotenzial: Bewusstwerdung Deiner Fähigkeiten und praktische Methoden, diese zu fördern und zu nutzen.

Deine innere Stärke: Wir erkunden die verschiedenen Lebensbereiche und beleuchten, wie Du Dich selbst optimal führen und entfalten kannst.

Deine Träume und Visionen nimmt Form an, zunächst im Wort, dann im Gefühl und zuletzt in einer sinnlichen Erfahrung. Wir ordnen und verbinden diese Empfindungen mit konkreten Materialien, Formen und Farben, die in Deinem persönlichen InTouch Vision Moodboard zum Ausdruck kommen.


The design process takes place in three steps:


In the first step, we develop a vision board: Vision, mission and values ​​are first substantiated through language.

In the second step we anchor the vision board with the fire that burns in us, our feelings. We develop a mood board of the senses.

In the third step, the Intouch Vision Moodboard is created. The aim is to combine all design elements in a meaningful and space-conscious way with images and stories that directly reflect the vision.

The rooms thus become places where we feel we have already arrived at our destination and as soon as we enter them, they influence our thoughts and actions. The desired future is already a reality that can be experienced.

Just about every successful business coach recommends using a vision board. Visualizing means creating mental images and stories about future events. The visualization is the first step towards the goal. However, we are not just creating words here, we are designing spaces, a sacred space that projects us into the future we want to live in.

Visions need space and

time to come true!

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Das Moodboard bestimmt das Design


A mood board is a visual tool for visualizing style and mood.

Intouch Vision Moodboard 

An Intouch Vision Moodboard is a visual tool to spatially represent an inner image, a desire.

Das Moodboard bestimmt das Design: Grünnuancen, Naturtöne, Weiß, Grau, Schwarz. 
Sanierung einer Duplex Wohnung in St. Andrä, Brixen.
Duplex Wohnung Sanierung Renovierung
Erdman  Interior Design Innenraumplanung Projektsteuerung  Moodboard


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